Aqua-jogging senior

Aquajogging senior is the workout for people over 55. Do you want to improve your condition, improve the mobility of your muscles and joints and have fun with others? The water temperature is 32°, a lesson lasts 30 minutes.

Why Aquajogging senior?

  • Improve fitness
  • Working on flexible muscles and joints
  • Exercising together with contemporaries

Free trial lesson!

Is Aquajogging senior something for you? Take a free trial class and discover how fun and relaxed working out together is! Sign up at the reception desk: 0341351288.


You can register for Aquajogging senior at the reception of Bosbad Putten or via the link below. It is possible that you cannot start immediately, sometimes there is a waiting list.

Click here to register

Lessons are registered on a pass. This can be purchased once at the pool reception desk.

Subscriptions & tickets

When can I come for Aqua-jogging senior ?